As part of our series celebrating National Native American Heritage Month and Thanksgiving, Jayme and Steve take you back to the early 1600s to explore the real stories behind Pocahontas and Captain John Smith. These two remarkable figures are often romanticized, but the true history of their courage, character, and diplomacy is far more compelling. Learn how their actions influenced the survival of the Jamestown colony and shaped early relations between Native Americans and English settlers.
- Discover the real-life story of Pocahontas and John Smith beyond the romanticized legends.
- Insights into the early struggles and triumphs of the Jamestown colony.
- An exploration of the cultural exchanges between Native Americans and English settlers.
- How Pocahontas’ wisdom and John Smith’s leadership played pivotal roles in history.
Join us as we separate myth from reality and celebrate the courage and resilience that shaped America’s early beginnings. Tune in for a story that goes deeper than legend and brings new meaning to the Thanksgiving season.